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TIme is Passing by :


For this task we were suppose to choose a client and we has to find out information about him through primary and secondary, and we given a task to make a clock for him where I used machinery such as a saw, a driller, and a jigbow  to make my clock for my client. After we made our clock we displayed in the library where, people gave us back feed back on the design specs and improvements we could have done.


Key concept: Culture, Development, Orientation in Space and time. 


Global Context: 

Historically, different cultures view time in different ways, and western culture often seems to concentrate on ways of saving and organising time.


Statement of Inquiry:

What influences different cultures viewpoints of time? Why do some cultures not feel its such a necessity to 'save' or 'organise' time?








For this unit we were given a task to create our own version of how we would like set up our personal project exhibition in the library. What we also did for this unit, is we made posters and invitation cards for our TENX


Key Concept: Developemnt


Global Context: Identities and relationships 


Statement of Inquiry: Interaction with clients using appropriate communication techniques drives design decisions








ISTE Standards Students Reflection




Creativity and Innovation


When it comes creativity and innovation, I would think that I am pretty good at it, because when it comes to creating new Ideas, products, or processes, I would mostly refer back to my old ideas and I would look room for more improvements to generate my ideas. However when it comes to originality, I lack a bit it. The reason why I would lack in this sector is because I would mostly look at existing products, and I would try to make a better version of what I saw. I do not really like using design programs to generate ideas, I mostly like to do it by hand, because it is easy and I am use to the old fashion way more.


Communication and Collaboration


I would say I mostly interact with peers, experts, and other variety of media and formats. The reason why I saw mostly, is because when it comes to working in a group it is really good to share ideas, because so then I can get ideas from my peers and combine it with mines. I communicate with others verbally, as I think I am best at it. Other people’s opinions are also important so, I try to listen to all of them. When it comes to group work I kind of struggle a little bit, because I find it easier to work alone then to work with others.


Research and information fluency


Before doing something there always need to be a plan, and the plan I make whenever I start on a project is I would list down all the dates when I think I have free time or class time to do whatever I need to do, and next to it I would put a description, a materials, and resources I need to accomplish the task. Programs I would use would be toms planner, or if not I would just put them in a table. A graph is one that works best for me to present results.


Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making


When I come up with an idea, I would mostly think of the problems I have and I would think of any solutions that would help overcome my problem that I have. I would think of if I do this would it help me, and if so how?  I would list down all the dates when I think I have free time or class time to do whatever I need to do, and next to it I would put a description, a materials, and resources I need to accomplish the task. When it comes to decision making, it comes down to the one with the most detail and the one that I know for sure I can accomplish.


Digital Citizenship


I would say that I am a pretty digital citizen, because when I set up an account for a program that is required for schoolwork, I would avoid on using my real name and I would prefer putting a fake name. When it comes to using technology, my main goal is try a new program that I’ve never done before to give myself a challenge.


Technology operations and concept


I would say I know how to use many operating system on a computer, and if I do not know how to I would go look up tutorials, on YouTube to help guide me through. The programs I use are mostly for what I am doing, so for example if I am editing a photo I would use a program call adobe Photoshop. There are many programs for many different things, but I what I like to do is I like to use different programs that I have never used before because I think it is a challenge.


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